Should You Choose a Ductless Mini Split or Window Unit Air Conditioner?

Should You Choose a Ductless Mini Split or Window Unit Air Conditioner?

Should You Choose a Ductless Mini Split or Window Unit Air Conditioner?


With the summer season around the corner, it's time to start thinking about how to cool your home. If you're in the market for a new air conditioner, you might be wondering whether to choose a ductless mini split or window unit. Both options are popular, but they have different pros and cons. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between the two types of air conditioners so you can make an informed decision.


1. Installation

One of the biggest differences between ductless mini splits and window units is the installation process. Ductless mini splits require a professional installation, which can be expensive. You'll need to hire a contractor to install the indoor and outdoor units, as well as to connect the refrigerant lines and electrical wiring. On the other hand, window units can be installed by the homeowner. All you need is a window opening and an electrical outlet. However, some homeowners find the installation process cumbersome and require a second person to help lift the unit into the window frame.

2. Energy Efficiency

Ductless mini splits are generally more energy-efficient than window units. They use inverter technology to adjust the compressor speed, so they don't have to turn on and off as frequently as window units do. This leads to less energy usage and lower electricity bills. Additionally, mini splits allow for zone cooling, which means you can cool individual rooms or zones instead of cooling your entire home. This can save you money on your energy bill if you only need to cool certain areas.

3. Noise

Window units tend to be noisier than ductless mini splits. The compressor and fan are located in the same unit, which can make them quite loud. This can be problematic if you're trying to sleep or watch TV. On the other hand, ductless mini splits are quieter because the compressor is located outside. The indoor unit is usually less than 30 decibels, which is about as loud as a whisper.

4. Design

Another factor to consider is the design of the air conditioner. Window units can be bulky and unsightly, often blocking a portion of the window. This can be an issue if you enjoy natural light or have a good view. Additionally, some homeowners' associations have rules on what types of air conditioners can be used, and window units may not be allowed. Ductless mini splits, on the other hand, have a sleek design and can be mounted high up on the wall, making them less obtrusive.

5. Cost

Cost is always a major consideration when purchasing an air conditioner. Ductless mini splits are generally more expensive than window units. The cost of a mini split will vary depending on the number of units you need, the brand, and the installation costs. However, they usually have a longer lifespan than window units and can save you money on your energy bills in the long run. Window units are generally less expensive, and you can find them at most home improvement stores. However, they may need to be replaced more frequently, which can add up over time.



Choosing between a ductless mini split or a window unit air conditioner depends on your personal needs and preferences. If you want a sleek design, quieter operation, and more energy efficiency, a ductless mini split may be the right choice for you. However, if you're on a budget and want an easy installation process, a window unit may be the way to go. No matter what you choose, make sure to do your research and choose a reputable brand to ensure you're investing in a reliable and efficient air conditioner. If you're looking for HVAC supplies in Florida to purchase an air conditioner, contact Discount Air Supply today for more information and expert advice.

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